Telephone addiction

Telephone addiction is a very big problem these days. More and more children are starting to slouch and they are really addicted, as if the phone is a drug. Say no to phone addiction.

I can call myself a person who cannot even an hour without a telephone, I decided to conduct research.

It turned out that people spend more than 10 hours a day on the Phone, and after all 11 more they should sleep. I also learned that everyone who passed the survey used phones in public transport and 8 out of 10 drivers were distracted by phones.

Most go to social networks. Such as instagramm and vats App.

From here it is easy to understand that people are really addicted. For many people, because of this, vision and health deteriorate.

Say “no” to the telephone, say “yes” to live communication.

About Russia today

I recently read an article on Russia Today about the new iPhone and its capabilities. About the fact that now new opportunities are opening for him and so on. Also in the article it was talked about clocks and generally about new gadgets from Apple.

I believe that it is very important to know about the innovations in such products, especially if you are the consumer of this product.

The article is written easily and clearly.

I rummaged on this site. I liked the guilty column “without politics” and “photo”. I think I download the application to read the news.

Article :

Hello again

This week we just started to get acquainted with the course of news literacy. I expect a lot from this lesson. I hope that all the same I will be able to discern and see this blurred line between the real news and no. To begin with, it will be necessary to understand what kind of object, perform at the time of the assignment and do all the tasks that our teacher gives us on time.

In the lesson, we examined what literacy is? This is the ability to read and write.

He also gave us a table on which we can calmly determine the style of news.

News taxonomy. On it you can determine which style is related to this or that news, what is its task, who is talking about it and what consequences it entails.

I hope that my expectations are recovering.

The future of the new media in Kazakhstan

the world is full of noise but we can change it

Photo made by me.

Honestly. it’s very interesting and difficult topic yo discus. (but I’ll try)
What is new media and how I understand this?
For more than 5 month I learned this subject and how it works. I can say that new media is very important to us. New media have a lot of tools and we must use them. Not just in job, not just for journalism, but also use them in life.

As we know, journalism in our country is not on a good level and there are a lot of causes for it. Like a censorship in Kazakhstan. People just afraid of something or someone and don’t tell truth or sometimes don’t discus really necessary themes. I think we must do with this something. Not only in future, we must start now.

As I mentioned before, in the 21 century we have a lot of tools, which we can use. For example, our parents had to go to libraries, read a lot of books to find what they need. But today our generation can just open their laptops and find everything in internet.We can even don’t stand from our beds. And I very thankful for this.

What I can say about future? I very glad to see that our country is growing and people in Kazakhstan too. I glad to see that journalism and new media are developing. For example now we have subject “new media” in our university. I know that we have new media school in Almaty, which introduces people with this subject. Also there are a lot of seminars in KZ related to new media. And after all what I talked about we can see that new media in our country is developing.

Can we do something to make this process of developing faster?
Of course we can. If you remember, our president, Nursultan Nazarbayev said that future of our country- is youth. So we must to learn a lot, don’t be lazy and don’t make our head of Kazakhstan to be sad.

Everything is in our hands, so why we can not to start now?

“Write and cut” from Maxim Ilyakhov and Lyudmila Syraiahova


I want to share my opinion about the book I read recently. It is called “Write and Cut.” Author: Maxim Ilyakhov and Lyudmila Syraiahova.
Honestly, I started to wind this book only because my teacher promised me to give bonus Points on the subject, but I really liked this book. It was very useful for my future experience and it was very easy to read.

This book talks about how to write texts correctly. There is no ready formula for writing text or ideas about what to write. But there are very important and really necessary for people who write, words. (For a journalist, a student who writes a course or a philologist.)

The first advice that I read is to make clear to myself is that you need to be honest with yourself and the reader.

The second, this is what you need to reduce. (The whole book is about this, but oh well.)

To write basically, not by quantity, but by facts. Readers are more interesting and more important this. They believe the facts more than empty words.

Do not use introductory words, such as: “by the way.”

The same words: “in my opinion”, “I think” are also not appropriate, because they express the personal opinion of the writer. In the media and in advertising, this is not appropriate.

It is worth changing “words – stamps” to other phrases. “Words-stamps” are those who in one word describe a situation. Readers are not interested in reading this, because it is too mundane and simple.

At the end I want to say thanks to my teacher. It was very interesting and useful book.

Children growing up in an incomplete family is not a problem.

“The most important in my life”

Dzhankabaeva Dilnaz gave me the idea to write about parents who raise children themselves. Nowadays this is a common problem. But my heroine thinks that this is not a hopeless situation. And I can not disagree with her.

The fact is that my friend, in combination my heroine, has such an experience, unfortunately. Her own sister is raising her daughter without a father. But she does not think that everything is bad. She considers her main support to be her mother, who will always support her and give her advice in a difficult moment. they do not feel sad and believe that even though the family is incomplete, this will not have a big impact on the daughter and her upbringing.

I believe that I was very lucky with my partner, she is a very good person.
It was not difficult to interview Dilnaz. She is very open and a good girl. When I came with her with the project and we began to think what kind of story to tell, she thoughtlessly offered to tell about the most important event in her life, which changed her life dramatically.
I especially liked her words: “on this day there was a little ball of happiness. And I cried for joy. ”
When I was talking with Dilnaz, she talked about her niece with a smile on her face. I realized that she was really happy that Sofia had appeared in her life.


Some facts about journalism

Recently I read another chapter of the book of Askhat Yerkimbay. It said a lot of things, but I turned my attention to the questions about whether the profession of a journalist is necessary? Do I have to dig to the truth? And what should a journalist be like?

Undoubtedly, journalism is very important. Just like other professions like a doctor, a teacher or a salesman. Each profession is insanely important.

Of course, you need to dig yourself to the truth. If you are a journalist, then you must provide only truthful material.

The journalist should be independent. Independent of someone else’s opinion. Independent of the government and other influential people. Independent of criticism.

After reading all this, new strength and inspiration appeared in me. She ran to create.

The journalists of the SDU are reaching a new level

Today, on March 14, an important event took place at the SDU University. The editor-in-chief of the channel of Almaty signed an agreement with the rector of the university on cooperation. Now students can practice on national television. As a future journalist, I am very interested and inspiring. We hope that cooperation will be successful.